Piotr Krajewski, WRO (Poland)


Piotr Krajewski was born in 1956. Graduated as M.S. at the University of Wroclaw. Co-founder of Open Studio Co-operative (1988) an independent organization devoted to media art and artistic communication. Founder of WRO Foundation (1998) <http://www.wro.art.pl>. Artistic director of WRO International Media Art Biennale and curator of numerous art events and exhibitions. Author and commissioner of art programs for Channel 2 of Polish State TV and of several publications in arts magazines, catalogues in Poland and abroad. Visiting fellow at Wroclaw University Theory of Culture Department, Arts Link fellow at the Art Instute of Chicago (1999), Goethe Institut scholarship (2001). Member of the jury panels of the international media art events, among others in Dessau (Germany), Kiev (Ukraine), Split (Croatia), Warsaw (Poland), Moscow (Russia), Lucerne (Switzerland), Minsk (Belorussia). Member of AICA - International Arts Critics Association.





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