Thomas Tode (DE)


Thomas Tode lives and works in Hamburg as a filmmaker and freelance writer. His films include Natur Obskur (1988), Die Hafentreppe (1991), and Im Land der Kinoveteranen - Filmexpedition zu Dziga Vertov (1996). He is the author of articles that have appeared in magazines such as Cinémathèque (Paris) and Cinema (Zürich), and of several books, including Johan van der Keuken: Abenteuer eines Auges (1987), Chris Marker - Filmessayist (with Birgit Kamper, 1997) and Dziga Vertov - Tagebücher / Arbeitshefte (2000). He is teaching at the University of Hamburg and Bochum University and is a curator at the Hamburg Cinematheque.


thomastode (at)

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