Randall Packer (US)


Randall Packer's work as a composer and media artist has focused on the integration of new music, live performance, digital media, and the interdisciplinary arts. From the revival of avant-garde music theater to the creation of new interactive media work, he has bridged current issues in art and technology with seminal interdisciplinary ideologies. Since 1988, Packer has directed Zakros InterArts (formerly New Music Theatre in San Francisco), and produced, directed and created critically acclaimed theater works. His collaborative installation Mori was selected for the 1999 Biennial Exhibition at the InterCommunication Center (ICC) in Tokyo and his net project, the Telematic Manifesto (1999), was included in ZKM's (Center for Art and Media) Net_Condition exhibition. His essays have appeared in several on-line and print publications including: ZKM / MIT Press, Walker Art Center Gallery 9, Rhizome, IEEE Spectrum, LINK, Washington Review, Perspectives on New Music, and Cyberstage.

Most recently, Packer founded the US Department of Art & Technology (2001) and the Experimental Party (2002) in Washington, DC. He has appeared frequently as the Department's Secretary and in 2003 he toured the US, giving speeches in Los Angeles, Boulder, New York and Washington. In August of 2004, USDAT presented the Experimental Party DisInformation Center at LUXE gallery in NYC during the Republican National Convention.


rpacker (at) zakros.com

US DAT website
Experimental Party

US Department of Art and Technology interview >>