Suzana Milevska (Macedonia)


Suzana Milevska (born 1961, Bitola, Macedonia) is an art theorist and curator with degrees in Art History from “St. Cyrill and Methodius” University in Skopje and in Philosophy and History of Art and Architecture from Central European University in Prague. She has published many essays since the late eighties in magazines such as Kinopis, Kulturen zhivot, Golemoto staklo, Siksi, Index, Nu, Springerin, Flash Art, Afterimage, Curare, Blesok, and has also curated over 50 exhibitions and international projects in Skopje (Little Big Stories 1998, Always Already Apocalypse 1999, Words-Objects-Acts 2000, Capital and Gender 2001), Istanbul (Writing and Difference 1992, Self and Other 1994, Desiring Machines 1997, Always Already Apocalypse 1999), Providence-USA (Liquor Amnii II 1997), Stockholm (Little Big Stories 1998), Berlin, Stuttgart and Bonn (Correspondencies 2001). She was the curator of the Open Graphic Art Studio of the Museum of the City of Skopje for many years, and currently is a PhD candidate at Goldsmiths College in the UK.


suzanamilevska (at)

Capital and Gender Project
Project for Manifesta 4

Peripherery-Resistant >>