Stuart Ewen (US)


Stuart Ewen is teaching in the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunger College, CUNY. He is the author of influential books on the history of consumer society, visual culture, propaganda and modernity, including PR! A Social History of Spin, All Consuming Images: On the Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture, Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture and, with Elizabeth Ewen, Channels of Desire: Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness. Currently he is working on a multi-century study of the relationship between stereotyping and modernity, exploring the crossroads of art, science, mass media and popular culture, to be entitled: Typecasting: On the Arts & Sciences of Human Inequality.

Under a nom de plume, Archie Bishop, he has also worked as a photographer, pamphleteer, graphic artist, multimedia prankster, and political situationist for more than thirty years. Bishop's artwork is part of an international traveling exhibit, “Toxic Landscapes,” sponsored by the Puffin Foundation, and was recently featured in “Tactical Action,” a group exhibit at the Gigantic ArtSpace (GAS), 59 Franklin Street (Broadway/Lafayette), from April to June, 2004.


drstu (at)


PR: Corporate Spin and Propaganda >>