Fiambrera (Spain)


Fiambrera Obrera ( is an open group that has been working (hard), intervening in arenas with a high degree of political conflict, such as the borders between rich and poor countries, or (not so) different places like the inner cities of Madrid, Barcelona or Sevilla. Our methods are those of intervention and direct action articulated with other, more conventional, social and political agents, providing graphics, communication devices, and direct action tools and equipment. We've been doing that sort of stuff in the streets for years and now also on the www, where we are applying virtually the same tactical principles.

We are part of "The Agencies" ( from Barcelona where, with the surprising support of the Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona (MACBA) and with a Graphic Agency, a Media Agency and a Fashion and Garments Agency, we are trying to offer social movements and networks resources to produce campaigns, counter-information devices, actions, interventions...and other jokes.




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